PANDA Strong
Working shoes Strong ankle 6909 01OB-P6909Professional work boots without steel toe cap, sole resistant to fuels, antislip, antistatic, absorption of energy in heel, breathing leather upper. Safety shoes Strong ankle 6919 S1OB-P6919Professional safety boots with steel toe cap (200J, 15kN), sole resistant to fuels, antislip, antistatic, absorption of energy in heel, breathing leather upper. "Foot"ure 96650 S1 POB-P96650Shoes with steel toe cap and steel midsole, very light and comfortable, breathable lining, antistatic, oil and fuel resistant antislip sole, shock apsorber in heel. "Foot"ure 96670 S1OB-P96670Shoes with steel toe cap, very light and comfortable, breathable lining, antistatic, oil and fuel resistant antislip sole, shock apsorber in heel. Safety shoes Strong 96939 S3 PPOB-P96939Safety shoes with steel toe cap (200J, 15kN) and steel midsole, stronger leather, lined, antistatic sole resistant to fuel and oil, shock absorber in heel, additional protection of leather on the front section of the shoe, S3 - water repellent leather. |