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PROTEKT Ropes and shock absorbers
ABM + LB102ZP-331Energy Shock absorber with 2 ropes ø10.5mm, length 2x2m (total length with mounted connectors), eases the pressure on the body while arresting a fall. ABM + 2LE101ZP-431Energy Shock absorber with 2 elastic ropes, length 2x2m (total length with mounted connectors), eases the pressure on the body while arresting a fall. ABM + LB101ZPP-ABMLB101Energy Shock absorber with ø10.5mm rope, length 2m (total length with mounted connectors), eases the pressure on the body while arresting a fall. ABM + LB200FLRZPP-ABMLB200FLREnergy Shock absorber with adjustable 2m aramid rope with polyester coating, shock absorber coated with a layer of aluminium and glass fibres which make it fire resistant. Rope with thimbles on endsZPP-AC20010AC 200 10 |